Earnings Disclaimer
Every attempt has been taken to faithfully depict this product and its potential. While this industry is notably one of the few where individuals have the opportunity to dictate their earnings, there is no assurance that you will generate any income by applying the techniques and concepts presented in these materials. The examples provided in this material should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees of earnings. The earning potential is solely reliant on the individual employing our product, ideas, and techniques. We do not present this as a “Get rich scheme.”
Claims regarding actual earnings or results can be substantiated upon request. Your success in achieving the outcomes claimed in our materials hinges upon the time you invest in the program, the ideas and techniques discussed, as well as your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Given that these elements vary among individuals, we cannot ensure your success or income level. Furthermore, we bear no responsibility for your actions.
The materials within our product and on our website may contain information that includes or is derived from forward-looking statements as defined by the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements provide our expectations or forecasts concerning future events. You can recognize these statements by their divergence from solely historical or current facts. They employ terms like “Anticipate,” “Estimate,” “Expect,” “Project,” “Intend,” “Plan,” “Believe,” and other language of similar connotation when describing potential earnings or financial performance.
All forward-looking statements presented here or within any of our marketing materials are meant to convey our perspective on earnings potential. Numerous factors will play a crucial role in determining your actual results, and we offer no guarantees that you will achieve results akin to ours or anyone else’s. Indeed, we make no assurances that you will obtain any results from the ideas and techniques shared in our material.
The author and publisher reject any warranties (either express or implied), including merchantability or fitness for any specific purpose. In no situation shall the author and publisher be held accountable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages that stem directly or indirectly from the use of this material, which is offered “as is,” and comes without warranties.
As always, it is advisable to seek counsel from a qualified legal, tax, accounting, or other professional.
https://tijolaco.com.br does not guarantee the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any sites that are listed or linked on https://tijolaco.com.br.
All links are provided solely for informational purposes and come without any warranty regarding content, accuracy, or any other express or implied intention.
Last Updated: February 4, 2025