External Links Policy

https://tijolaco.com.br connects to various external websites that we assess to contain the most relevant information for our program. Although numerous sites offer valuable content, https://tijolaco.com.br exclusively links to those which deliver the highest quality information.

These links are subject to change as we discover more valuable sites. The primary intention of including external links is to enhance this site for our visitors. All requests to add links to this site are initially considered with our customers’ needs as the top priority. Typically, external websites fail to align with the objectives of https://tijolaco.com.br if they incorporate, suggest, or infer any of the following elements:

  1. Support for or opposition to politically, environmentally, or socially contentious topics, issues, or candidates.
  2. Derogatory statements about any individual or group.
  3. External content deemed inappropriate for audiences of all ages or references to businesses whose products or services are unsuitable for all age groups.
  4. Encouragement or incitement of illegal, violent, or socially inappropriate behavior.
  5. Endorsement or provision of alcohol or tobacco products.
  6. Promotion or provision of illicit drugs.
  7. Advocacy for or provision of adult or sexually explicit entertainment or materials.
  8. Support for, opposition to, or availability of weapons.
  9. Advocacy for, opposition to, or availability of gambling.
  10. Unsubstantiated claims regarding effectiveness, appropriateness, desirability, or other subjective assertions about businesses, products, or services.
  11. Content that violates trademark, copyright, or patent rights of others.
  12. Claims or representations that breach advertising or consumer protection regulations.
  13. Content that a reasonable individual might find inconsistent with maintaining the dignity and decorum expected of governmental discourse.

This enumeration is not exhaustive. The external link policy is strictly applicable to websites beyond https://tijolaco.com.br. The webmaster will set up protocols to oversee the enactment and ongoing management of this policy. Such protocols will encompass a review process for all new requests for external content links from a page on https://tijolaco.com.br to another page in order to confirm compliance with this policy before granting any requests.

Each link request will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Is the content pertinent?

Does the site offer information or services that are unavailable or not linked to from https://tijolaco.com.br? If so, is the site’s quality comparable to or superior to what is already accessible here?

Is the site well-structured, user-friendly, compliant across different browsers, and accessible to individuals with disabilities?

https://tijolaco.com.br maintains the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any external content at any time and for any reason without providing justification.

Last Updated: January 25, 2025